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TD Ameritrade is a registered broker dealer, and is not affiliated with Lily Wealth Management, LLC. or its affiliate(s), each federally registered investment advisors and wholly owned subsidiaries of Lily Wealth Management. TD Ameritrade neither endorses nor recommends any particular advisor or investment strategy. Lily Wealth Management provides investment advisory services for client accounts. TD Ameritrade has agreements with :Lily Wealth Mnagement though Prosperity Financial Group, Inc. under which it provides Lily Wealth Management, LLC and Prosperity Financial Group, Inc. with services related to client accounts. TD Ameritrade does not review the Lily Wealth Mnagement web site, and makes no representation regarding the content of the web site. The information contained in Lily Wealth Management's web site should not be considered a recommendation by TD Ameritrade or a solicitation of any offer to purchase or sell any securities. Information reflected in client accounts on the TD Ameritrade web site is produced by TD Ameritrade and its affiliated companies; it is not provided by Lily Wealth Management, LLC.
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